How does the rebind process work?

First use the Request a Quote form to initiate the process. We will respond with an estimate based on what's been selected. Once the estimate has been accepted we will draw up an invoice. A $50 deposit will be required to secure the materials and to have the bible scheduled. Then we will have the bible shipped to us. Your bible will be completed within 2-3 weeks of the date it was scheduled. Then photos of the completed bible will be provided and the final amount of the invoice paid. Once the invoice is paid we will ship the bible back to you.

  1. Request a Quote
  2. Agree to the Estimate
  3. Pay $50 Deposit on the Invoice
  4. Ship the bible when scheduled
  5. We will take 2-3 weeks to complete the work
  6. Review photos of the completed work
  7. Pay the Final Invoice
  8. We ship the bible back to you

How should I ship my bible to you?

You can ship via any available method (USPS, UPS, FedEx). We suggest you package the bible well to prevent any damage during shipment. Our preferred method is USPS Priority which will be on average 2-3 days.

Can I reuse my existing cover?

It depends on the material? If it's a genuine leather cover, more we can more than likely reuse the existing cover and just repair the text blocks. All other materials just won't hold up over time (TruTone, Bonded leather, etc) and we don't suggest reusing those covers.

Can I get leather/ribbons/liner in a color not listed?

Yes. In almost every instance we can source those items. However, this will affect the timeline and even the spot on the schedule. Leathers, ribbons and liners often can take a few weeks to receive from our suppliers. So if you're not in any hurry, then anything is possible.

Can I get samples of materials?

Yes. We will send you up to 5 samples for $5 of any of the materials (leather, ribbons, etc) we have in stock so that you can get an idea of the color and texture of the materials. If you place an order that $5 will be credited to you on your final invoice. For sample orders, please use the Contact page to start the process.